6 months to fix the missing piece in your health puzzle and create whole life freedom.

To help women find the answer to the health problems that other doctors couldn’t solve so they can finally enjoy their success.


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6 months to fix the missing piece in your health puzzle and create whole life freedom.

To help women find the answer to the health problems that other doctors couldn’t solve so they can finally enjoy their success.

Apply Now

This Program Works.    

But, it’s not for everyone.               

1. If you’re not 100% committed to taking action and doing what it takes to step into whole health freedom. I will be here when you are ready to commit to your health.           

2. If you don’t believe in investing in personal growth and concierge health services, this also isn’t for you. Feel free to follow me (@drshannyndc) on IG, Youtube and FB for free health tips.       

3. If you are not ready to commit to high level, exclusive 1:1 work with Dr. Shannyn. You want a plan but are not ready to make the investment in VIP concierge health services.  You don’t mind working with Dr Shannyn’s team instead of directly with her and you want a plan that fits your lifestyle and your budget.  My “Journey to Wellness” program would be a better fit for you.

4. If you’re just beginning your wellness journey. You are just getting started in understanding your health on a deeper level, you want to explore more functional lab testing and making basic lifestyle changes. My “Journey to Wellness” program can assist you in starting this process with a team of highly trained doctors and health coaches.


Now that we have that out of the way, who the heck IS this for?

This is for you if... 

You’re sick and tired of not feeling well and you’re ready to find the root cause.

OR Other programs that have claimed to “find the root cause” have failed you.You are finally ready to shift your pain for good.

You feel like there is something wrong in your body but other doctors aren’t giving you answers.

You’ve accomplished success​ in your life, but your physical health is suffering.    

You don’t want to cover symptoms with medications. You want to fix the problem.

You are sick of your family, friends or significant other getting what’s left of you vs. the best of you and you are ready to redefine how it feels to have it all.

Your health is the missing piece that is holding you back from enjoying your success.

You’re willing to back up your deep desires for whole health freedom with M​ASSIVE ACTION.

You want to feel safe and confident in your own body.​

You want to ​address both the physical and emotional cause of your health problems.

You are tired of going all over for your health needs and you want a VIP concierge holistic healthcare solution.

You want clarity on the root cause of your health issues and to have a FULL SUPPORT in the healing process.

You will not tolerate wasting another day, month or year not feeling well.

You put yourself last.​ So did I.

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!


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My Story


I’m Dr Shannyn Pearce. If you only know me from @drshannyndc on Instagram, you may not know that I struggled with major health issues. To be completely honest, I have spent most of my life feeling hopeless. I couldn’t figure out my own health problems.

Despite my illness and fatigue, I was able to reach very high levels of success in my career. From the outside, no one could see that I was physically struggling. Part of me felt ashamed that I couldn’t gain control over my own health, so I kept it a secret. ⁣⁣I suffered from severe migraines, my digestion was a wreck, I had debilitating joint pain and my psoriasis was so bad that I would bleed. 

One of two things would happen when I found myself feeling like this...⁣⁣


 ⁣#1 I would want to quit my business altogether. I would think “Maybe if I didn’t spend so much emotional energy on my business, I could actually heal and feel alive again.”


#2 I would go all in at work in the hope that getting to the next level would lead me to the break I needed. “If I could make X amount of money, then I can take the time to focus on my health.”

To be real, I was miserable either way.⁣ I ALWAYS felt like I was missing out on life, I could never be present and enjoy my success because I was either too tired or too in pain. I desperately wanted to live a life of freedom but felt like a prisoner to my body. 😳⁣

I had zero boundaries, my self-care was non-existent, I was covering symptoms with medications and supplements, and I was caught in the same old patterns of earning love through achievement, even at the expense of my health. ⁣If I worked harder, made more money, exercised more, ate better, booked more massages, did more juice fasts, meditated daily THEN I would truly be healthy. 

I was working my ass off to check all the boxes and it was destroying my health and stealing my joy.

Then I had a breakdown that led to my biggest breakthrough.⁣ 

From the outside everything looked perfect. I had a beautiful family, a successful career, we took amazing vacations… but inside I was empty.

On one of my darkest health days, in a full blown panic attack, I decided I had to make a decision. I could keep faking it or I could finally put myself first and take the deep dive to heal once and for all. I needed to go back and address all of my own “root cause issues."

I invested over $100K into my own functional lab testing, protocols, doctors and self-development. ⁣⁣

Through my healing process I learned one VERY important thing…⁣⁣


❌  Health has very little to do with your external environment

⁣✅  It has everything to do with healing your internal environment. 


My internal environment was unhealthy. Childhood trauma, losing my father, years of prescription medications, stress, sleepless nights, building a business, pregnancy, hormone imbalance, thyroid issues, bacterial imbalance in my gut, chronic infections, alcohol and putting everyone else first had created a toxic environment that was unable to produce health or happiness. Regardless of my success.

It wasn’t until I learned to find the true root cause of my physical imbalances and process my emotional triggers that I finally learned to love myself, enjoy my success and create a holistically whole life.

⁣⁣I was no longer a prisoner to my body… I felt FREE!

Now, I’m ready to share with you everything I shifted to and how these tools can drastically help you do the same.

It turns out you really can have it all.


So why now?

Honestly, you’ve waited long enough. This is your one chance to make a massive impact and you need your health intact to live your life to the fullest and enjoy the success you’ve worked so hard to create.

Are you ready to access full health freedom to finally be able to enjoy your success?

If the answer is YES, here’s your invitation:  

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!


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Pillar 1: Stress Freedom

Get ready to dive deep into the true root cause of your imbalance and illness. The nervous system is your master control of EVERYTHING. Your traumas, emotions, illnesses, past experiences, lifestyle choices and subconscious patterns all get anchored in your nervous system and become physical imbalances in your body. In order to create health freedom you will need to rewire your stress patterns.  In Pillar 1, you will visit the origin of your core wounds, learn how to rebalance your brain patterns, test food allergies and make a personalized anti-inflammatory food plan.

Pillar 2: Health Freedom

Most physical illness, chronic pain, fatigue, auto-immune and mental health challenges are rooted in unaddressed internal imbalances. In Pillar 2 you will find the answers to your health triggers and learn how to fix them. Your specific functional lab testing will reveal answers and Dr. Shannyn will create individualized protocols to correct your issues. Together, we will shift your healing focus to eliminating and healing your physical, mental and emotional blocks.

Pillar 3: Feminine Freedom

Get excited! This is the time when your feminine freedom comes to life.  Once your stress patterns are balanced, your root cause triggers are eliminated and your blocks to healing have shifted, it’s time to fine tune. Together, we will use in-depth hormone and adrenal mapping to take a deeper dive into your physiology. You will learn to harness your hormonal energy and use your unique patterns to excelerate your manifesting power. You will learn how to use your unique hormone patterns to excelerate your manifesting power and harness your energy. This is the Pillar when it all clicks together. You will establish sustainable lifestyle habits to ensure long-term success and you will truly redefine what it feels like to have success in your life and in your health.


You may be wondering...         

  • Should I invest in myself? (The question you’re really asking, is, am I worth it….umm YES!)       
  • Will it work? (The process works if you work the process)
  • Will my friends/family support me? (A healthier you benefits everyone)   
  • Is it too late? (It is never too late to choose to be the healthiest and happiest version of you)
  • What will other people think of me if I do this program? (Who cares?! But people will be asking for your secrets when they see the new happy, healthy you!)
  • Is it too late for me? (Never!)
  • Why will this time be different? (You will finally have the answers you need to create your individual roadmap to health freedom...It’s going to be different)
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Bi-Weekly Freedom Sessions: Twelve bi-weekly sixty minute freedom sessions that will address the physical, mental and emotional root causes to your health issues. 

Functional Lab Testing: All functional lab tests needed to find your root cause answers.

Holistic Nutrition Support: 4 one-on-one sessions with a holistic nutritionist to individualize your food plan every step of the way. 

Membership to the Hopeless to Healed Support Community: Connect with other high-performing, executive women who are creating full health freedom.  

Lifetime Access to the Journey to Wellness Online Self Study Course: Lifelong access to the online course. A step by step course that will teach you the tools to gain and maintain health freedom

Welcome Package: Includes your first round of healing protocols, nutrition book, detox books, resources and bonuses



You'll walk away with:         

  • An EXACT game plan to create health freedom and start enjoying your success
  • VIP Concierge healthcare services
  • All the functional labs needed to find your root cause answers and a guided plan to fix them
  • Individualized protocols to properly care for your body based on your lab tests 
  • The tools and support to be able to make sustainable lifestyle changes
  • Strong routines and rhythms for continued health freedom
  • A plan for what’s next so you do not feel like you have made it to the end of the road once this program is complete 

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!


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